
DKEC has R&D centers, marketing centers, design and equipment manufacturing bases in Shanghai, Wuxi, and New York respectively. We are an engineering technology group company integrating chemical engineering, environmental protection technology R&D, engineering design, environmental protection equipment manufacturing, and general engineering contracting services.
DKEC co-organized the 2024 (11th) Epoxy Resin High-end Application Technology Exchange Conference successfully held

   April 18-19, 2024, hosted by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Epoxy Resin and Application Committee, organized by Beijing Guochem New Material Technology Research Institute, and co-organized by DKEC-Lahigh, ¡°2024 (11th) Epoxy Resin High-end Application Technology Exchange Meeting and 2024 Organic Amines and Modified Amines Industry Forum¡± was successfully held in Suzhou, China.

   Nearly 600 experts and representatives from domestic and foreign epoxy resin industry chain manufacturers, research institutes, traders and supporting enterprises participated in this meeting.

The conference set up a main forum and five sub-forums, where nearly one hundred experts specializing in epoxy resins, specialty epoxy resins, flame-retardant epoxy resins, phenol ketone and downstream products, organic amines, composites, electronic adhesives, and other related topics delivered theme reports.


   At the main forum of the conference, our general manager, Mr. Dong Junming, delivered a speech:

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to this conference for providing me with the opportunity to speak. However, our greatest appreciation should be directed towards this era. Thanks to the 10 years of rapid development in China's epoxy resin industry, our company has emerged as one of the beneficiaries.

Lahigh holds Class A chemical design qualifications and can provide internationally leading liquid epoxy resin process technology packages. With a single-line production capacity of 40,000 tons annually, our material and energy consumption indicators have reached international leading levels, significantly reducing investment costs. In the upcoming years, the epoxy resin industry will witness competition in the quality market segment, in the 5-10 kilogram difference in ECH consumption, and in real energy-saving and environmental protection management capabilities. Lahigh is fully prepared, and we will continue to develop core competitive products to meet these new challenges.

Finally, I wish the conference every success! I extend my best wishes to you all for good health, happiness with your families, and continued success in all your endeavors.


   Tao Pai, Deputy General Manager of Lahigh, was invited to deliver a special report on the "Application Technology of High Salt Wastewater Treatment." His presentation introduced Lahigh's advanced high-salt wastewater treatment technology, focusing particularly on its application in the epoxy resin industry. Lahigh boasts a portfolio of patents and proprietary knowledge specifically tailored to address the challenges of treating high-salt wastewater in the epoxy resin sector. Notably, Lahigh's TDS pre-treatment technology has significantly eased the burden of subsequent treatment for high-salt wastewater.

   Based on the customer's upstream supporting conditions, the company has developed a low- temperature wet oxidation technology. This innovative approach allows for the effective cleaning and reutilization of high-salt wastewater within chlor-alkali plants through low-temperature wet oxidation treatment. Í¼Æ¬

Outside the venue, numerous high-quality companies have set up exhibitions. Among them, Lahigh, a technology provider and engineering design company deeply engaged in the epoxy resin industry, showcases cutting-edge domestic and foreign process technology packages alongside classic project cases.

1.    200kt/a Bisphenol A Know-how

2.    200kt/a Electronic Grade Epoxy Resin Know-how

3.    20kt/a TBBA Know-how

4.    Various Special Epoxy Resin Know-how

5.    Various Curing Agent Know-how

6.    Diluent Know-how

7.    High-salt Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Know-how

8.    PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) Waste Gas Treatment Know-how Í¼Æ¬

   During the conference breaks, our company personnel engaged in answering questions and exchanging information on various topics related to epoxy resin production units, including consumption, high-salt wastewater treatment, chlorinated organic waste gas treatment, energy consumption, and recycling. Additionally, we delved into discussions on how epoxy resin enterprises can enhance their product competitiveness in the market through process optimization while expanding production capacity.

  Our company presented our internationally leading electronic-grade epoxy resin process technology package, which has undergone more than twenty years of continuous improvement, resulting in a significant reduction in ECH consumption during the production process. Moreover, with our proprietary high-salt wastewater treatment process and patented PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) tail gas treatment technology, we have successfully achieved a circular economy within the epoxy resin production process.

After a fulfilling day of meetings, the relaxed and enjoyable 'DKEC Group Night' began. Nearly 500 colleagues from the epoxy resin industry gathered together for communication and networking. The evening was heightened by rounds of lottery draws, which added to the festive atmosphere.



   With two days of fruitful meetings and exchanges, the event concluded successfully. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your longstanding support of our company. We remain committed to rigorous design standards, continuous innovation, and the pursuit of excellence, all aimed at making significant contributions to the construction and development of the epoxy resin industry. We eagerly anticipate our next reunion.
