
DKEC has R&D,?engineering?design and equipment manufacture bases in?New York,?Shanghai and Wuxi. We are an international engineering company, offering?consulting services, process package Know-how transfer, engineering design, and EPC services in chemical and environmental industries.
Technical Advantages:

Compact design with high integration and low site area requirements.

Highly adaptable system with strong convenience and stable operation that can be applied to organic waste gas treatment in most enterprises.

High purification efficiency with VOC removal rate over 95%.

Operating cost effective with heat recovery efficiency over 95%.

Adopt automatic control technology equipped with operable touch screen, improving the human-computer interaction and saving energy and labor.

Multiple safety protection systems including temperature monitoring system, non-stationary control, shutdown alarm system and failure contingency plan measures to ensure the safe operation of the system.

Application Market
Have more questions about our products? Want to know more? Please contact us!
Project Demonstration
Hebei Tianma Wine Industry 60kt/a Corn Premium Alcohol Plant Project
Jilin Huakang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd 3200m3/d high-concentration organic xylose production mixed wastewater treatment project
Jiangsu Yongji Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization and disposal project
Jiaxing United Chemical Co., Ltd. chemical wastewater membrane equipment.